Providoor owes $4.4 million in unredeemed gift cards, leaving diners in the lurch


Chef and founder of Providoor, Shane Delia. Source: supplied.

Gourmet meal delivery platform Providoor reportedly owed nearly $4.4 million to gift card holders when it entered external administration late last month, highlighting the difficulty for unsecured creditors to recover funds after a company collapse.

Providoor, founded in April 2020 to support high-end restaurants through COVID-19 restrictions, offered ready-made meals to customers across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and the Australian Capital Territory.

Unlike platforms like Uber Eats, Providoor allowed big-name venues like Rockpool, Entrecote, and founder Shane Delia’s own Maha to ship meals for customers to prepare at home.

The enterprise generated $74 million in revenue for its restaurant partners over its first 18 months.


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