This farm and local business partnership is bringing affordable meat to rural Australians

robyn verrall meat

Robyn Verrall. Source: Bully's Meat.

Winner of the 2022 AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award, Robyn Verrall is on a quest to bring fresh, low-cost produce to country people through local business Kere to Country.

Living regionally and running a farm and business was a faraway concept for Bully’s Meat owner Robyn Verrall, who grew up around Adelaide and had spent most of her life working as a nurse before she met her now-husband Christopher Bullen.

It was through meeting him in 2002 that she began her journey to running her own business, providing grass-fed, hormone free meat delivered to customers all around South Australia.

“I organised my high school’s 20th anniversary reunion, and that was where I re-met up with Chris, who was a farmer and after five years we got married and moved down to the country,” Verrall said.


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