The deeply personal experience that led Sydney entrepreneur Nicole Liu to founding online subscription startup Kin Fertility

Kin Fertility

The Kin Fertility team. Source: supplied

At 25, Nicole Liu has left her job as business analyst at management consulting firm McKinsey & Company to start up her own fertility empowerment company, Kin.

The move comes less than a year after Nicole joined Startmate’s startup program in 2019, with Kin filling a need in the market to provide women with an online medical support network with a qualified fertility specialist, connecting them to information about their reproductive health.

They’ve also created Australia’s first subscription service to the contraceptive pill, delivered direct to your door.

Venture capital fund Blackbird Ventures has invested in the startup with $1 million in funding, with accelerator Eucalyptus also backing the business, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.


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