Opinion: A call for small businesses to come together and vote Yes to the Voice

voice small business

Participants hold up the Aboriginal Flag and Yes placards during a walk for the Yes vote event in Sydney, Sunday, September 17, 2023. Source: AAP Image/Steve Markham

My story isn’t unique. I’m one of the 48% of Australians with a parent born overseas. My father was an Italian immigrant who came to Australia in the fifties when he was four. 

Like most migrant stories, it won’t surprise you to hear they had very little money. Or that they faced appalling racism. But over the decades, he worked hard, got married, and had children. Some of his children had children. He nurtured a lifelong love affair with Rugby League. 

Many of my life’s blessings, security, education, and health, came from my parents’ hard graft (my mother’s heritage is that mixed bag of Britishness that many of us claim.


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