Startmate secures $300,000 from LaunchVic to welcome over 320 students into fellowship program

Michael-Batko-Startmate student fellowship

Michael Batko is the CEO of Startmate. Source: supplied.

A partnership between Aussie accelerator Startmate and Victoria’s startup agency LaunchVic will see $300,000 of new funding invested into a fellowship program that will set the course for university students who want to make startups into a real career path and pave the way to launching the careers of the next generation of tech talent.

Over two years LaunchVic’s $300,000 grant will see at least 320 Victorian students get the confidence, knowledge, connections and skills they need to launch their own startups and gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities in the ecosystem through the Startmate Student Fellowship.

During the three-week intensive program, students will hear from successful founders, learn how to find the right co-founder and hear from investors in order to gain a front-row seat in understanding the investor’s mindset, learn how investment works and how to secure funding.

Students will also get a sneak peek behind the scenes of what it’s like to work at a startup and get life-long access to Startmate’s community, as well as learn how to develop an MVP product, build using no-code tools, iterate quickly, and gain skills in customer discovery, problem validation and learn how to take a ‘product mindset’ approach to...


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