Topless at the top: AirAsia CEO deletes LinkedIn massage post

Tony Fernandes receives topless massage in conference room. Photo now deleted.

Source: Tony Fernandes, LinkedIn (now deleted).

A Tony Fernandes LinkedIn post, in which he receives a topless massage in a conference room, has been deleted. For obvious reasons, it drew criticism from the business world.

In it, Fernandes praised the suggestion of AirAsia Indonesia CEO Veranita Yosephine: “Was a stressful week and Veranita Yosephine suggested a massage.”

The post also suggests this happened mid-meeting, though it’s unclear if it was a video chat or there were others in the room with Fernandes. “Got to love Indonesia and AirAsia culture that I can have a massage and do a management meeting.”

Tony Fernandes' deleted linkedin post in which he receives a massage, topless, in the office

Source: Tony Fernandes, LinkedIn (now deleted).

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