Australia’s 2.65 million unpaid carers targeted for boosted workplace support in new government initiative

The Hon Amanda Rishworth. Member for Kingston. Pic Ben Searcy 2021

A new workplaces initiative has been announced by the federal government, aiming to improve inclusivity in the workplace for 2.65 million Australians who are unpaid carers.The Carer Inclusive Workplace Initiative is a new, carer-friendly workplace framework for employers that includes a self-assessment tool and e-learning modules to help businesses become more inclusive of people who are balancing caring responsibilities in their lives alongside their paid jobs.

Often, carers in Australia face significant obstacles to entering the workforce or maintaining their career due to the demands of their caring role.

The initiative has emerged as a result of the government’s Jobs and Skills Summit held last year and is focused on promoting equal opportunities for careers, and reducing barriers to employment.


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