Four out of five Australian managers say new employees must be AI-ready: Microsoft

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Four out of five Australian managers say new hires will need skills to manage the growth of artificial intelligence in the workplace, Microsoft says, reflecting the current buzz around next-generation technology.

Microsoft’s latest Work Trend Index, released Thursday, sought feedback from 31,000 people worldwide, including 1,000 Australians, to gauge how business leaders are adapting to the wave of emerging AI technologies.

The findings show that 85% of Australian business leaders say new employees they hire will need skills allowing them to adapt to and harness the power of artificial intelligence, a slight bump over the global average of 82%.

The figures represent a remarkable surge in the awareness and perceived desirability of AI integrations, as text-based platforms like ChatGPT extend into new corners of the business ecosystem, and business management platforms tout the power of their new data-crunching systems.

Some 31% of Australian managers expect AI technologies to boost efficiency in the workplace, with those respondents most keen about the potential of advanced tools to cut down on mundane tasks and other busywork.


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