Inventing against the odds: HMZ creator Kym O’Leary shares five tips to transform your idea into a patented invention

invention hmz

HMZ creator Kym O'Leary. Source: Supplied

Imagine this scene: you’re gathered around the table with your family, sharing laughter and stories. Suddenly, someone utters those familiar words, “I wish there was such a thing as this product”, or “Imagine having something like XYZ to make this job easier”. 

We’ve all been there, right? 

The truth is, we all have those brilliant ideas bubbling within us. As Sara Blakley, the visionary founder of SPANX, once wisely said, an idea is most vulnerable in its infancy – and I couldn’t agree more. 

When my own lightbulb moment struck, I kept it to myself, sharing it only with my husband (over a bottle of red wine, but that’s a tale for another time).


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