Nourish Ingredients launches Tastilux, an animal-free fat for plant-based meats

nourish ingredients tastilux

Image: Tegan Jones

Animal-free fat startup Nourish Ingredients unveiled its debut product, Tastilux, at SXSW Sydney on Wednesday, taking aim at some of the primary concerns in the plant-based protein sector, particularly regarding taste, nutritional content and consumer adoption.

Over the last few years we’ve seen a significant uptick in the availability, and quality, of plant-based meats. Locally we’ve also seen investment into the sector, with cultured meat startup Vow landing $73.4 million in Series A in November 2022 and Nourish Ingredients itself securing $45 million a month earlier.

But there’s still a long way to go when it comes to parity with traditional meat products, both in terms of price and flavour.


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