Shark Tank Australia recap: $300,000 for 35mm Co. a picture-perfect deal

shark tank 35mm co

(L-R) Davie Fogarty, Robert Herjavec, Jane Lu, Catriona Wallace, 35mm Co. founder Madison Stefanis, Sabri Suby. Source: Channel 10

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but the right camera could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Ask Madison Stefanis, the founder of 35mm Co., who used last night’s episode of Shark Tank Australia to secure a handshake investment deal valued at $300,000.

Stefanis, 23, is the founder of 35mm Co., a brand dedicated to film photography and preserving its old-school charm for a new generation.

High-quality optics are a baseline requirement for the standard smartphone user, and social media platforms like Instagram have totally reconfigured how people capture, display, and store the photos they capture.

Yet film photography is having its own moment in the sun, and in the darkroom, thanks to the surprise resurgence of point-and-shoot cameras.


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